
Participants - The conference gives a precious possibility to scientists coming from public universities and non-governmental research institutes to confront their ideas and approaches. We pay special attention to  young researchers (PhD Candidates, or those who has recently obtained their PhD, assistant professors under 40 years old), for whom the participation fee will be reduced to 70 euros, while the full fee for seniors (assistant professors over 40 years old, associate professors, full professors) is 150 euros. Any bank fees and money transfer costs are not included in the registration fee and should be covered additionally by the participant. 

Please send the registration fee, not later than May 9th, to the following bank account:

Beneficiary: Associazione “”
Iban Code (in Italy): IT 34 B 02008 05108 000401219762
Swift Code (from abroad): UNCRITM1719

We will accept payments in cash, on the very day of the Conference in exceptional cases and if you communicate it to the organizing committee by e-mail not later than May, 9th .

The registration fee includes: 

1. The partecipation in the conference;

2. Paper presentation at the panel;
3. Conference handouts and materials;
4. Paper publication in the conference proceedings (if accepted by Scientific Committee);
5. Welcoming dinner.

The application should be sent in one message to the following e-mail address: by March 31st, 2014.

The application should include:
-Short curriculum vitae of the participant;
-Abstract of the paper (max. 300 words);
-The title of the related session;
-Contact details.

The Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept or reject applications. All the participants will be informed about final Committee's decision by March 31st, 2014. The final program will be published within the end of April. For any further information, please visit our website or contact us via e-mail.